Last Friday was a home game. Knowing her total admiration of cheerleaders, I had ordered a blue and gold uniform for her, just hoping that she would actually wear it. You know how 3 yr olds work. One day they like something, the next they don't. Well, as we were on our way home Friday all she could do was talk about how she was going to get home, put on her cheer uniform and go to the game. It was forecasted to be a cold night, as in low 30*'s cold. We bundled Sara up in tights, a turtleneck and a coat covering up the whole "cheerleader" look and set off for the game. As we walked in she hid behind me and told me she wanted to surprise them. She very syly looked over at the girls all lined up in front of the field, again hid behind me and unzipped her coat and then WHA-LAA.....jumped out into the middle of the cheerleaders as if she was a prize they had been awaiting. And that, is when I lost her for the next two hours.

Mom? Who's mom when you have an entire squad of cheerleaders doting over you? Even at half time she didn't need me. I forgot to mention, she had packed a bag with granola bars, fruit roll ups and chocolate chip cookies that she was saving for "snack". Once halftime hit, she offered them up and before I knew it....was the squads biggest fan for bringing along snacks.
The game started up once again, and I looked down to see my Sara, sitting in the middle of the girls, in formation, doing a cheer.....while Sara sat criss-cross-applesauce getting her own snack on. For those of you that know Miss Sara, she takes her snack time very seriously. Don't deny that girl food. Anyhow, all in all her first night as a "real" cheerleader was as much a joy for her as it was for me. Only three, and I already lost her to her "other" friends.