Monday, June 20, 2011

FIVE!?!?! (How did that happen?!)

Likes: singing (especially making up your own songs and playing rockstar while you are in the bath....I often sit outside the bathroom door and listen to your original pieces); dancing...and dancing a bit too wild. I am surprised you have not sustained serious injuries from your throwing yourself around the room; food - the first thing you think of in the morning, and most recently the thing you can't get out of your head when you go to bed at night. Yet trying to get you to sit down and eat an entire meal...HA!; movies; dogs; cheerleaders; cowgirls - apparently you want to be one when you grow up. The first we heard of it was at your preschool graduation; your neighbors, Bev and Jerry. I used to get scared when I couldn't find you in the house. Now I just check next door and 9/10 times that's where you are. The rest of the time, you are in my car, playing with the toys Emma has made very clear you are not to touch.

Dislikes: Being the youngest. We get to hear at least a few times a day how "unfair" it is when Emma gets to do or have something because of her age or involvement in school; the thought of having to eat somewhere you are not comfortable with. We often send you with a lunchbox if you end up at a friends house for meal time; seeing someone sad/homeless/hurt; being told to sit still.

What we love about our 5 year old: The most sensitive, tender heart ever. You are the first to compliment - often times total strangers. We know you have brightened many a day with the simple comment of, "I like"; your empathetic nature. You do not like seeing someone sad. You offer hugs, kisses, advice and even gifts to try and cheer someone up; your wild nature. Sure, it's gotten you bumped and bruised, but it is so fun to watch you have fun. We love you to the moon and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth Sar-Bear!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Likes: Nutella - especially on Wednesday's, when I am reminded "Mom - it's Nutella day for my lunch;" Her BFF Gracie...and the alone time she demands with her. Fashion, and the constant reminder, that she is a "fashionista"; Pugs, including Charlie, our dog for 9 months before I realized, living in a crate was no life for a dog, yet you still refer to her as if she is coming back to live with us; Mrs. Fields....the BEST teacher ever. You look up to her so much and remind me of myself with my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Daugherty. You get really frustrated when you have a sub too; Shoes. Mind you...only two pairs. Two VERY worn out pairs; Being early and on time. Heaven forbid you wake up after 6:01 am and be the second person in line for school in the morning; Breakfast on Saturday mornings....scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee...made by you. How lucky did we get to have a 7 yr old that makes us coffee?; Writing. We find stories all over the house telling of your dog, your friends and your family. "My mom is amazing, my dad is nice, and my sister is 'cinde' of nice;" Skinny jeans.

Dislikes: Being told to put her laundry away....that is until I tell her that I will donate all skinny jeans to needy children; Mom working; :( The idea that someday I will take her and her sister to Mexico and we will all share a room together. (I will sleep when she is awake and be awake when she is asleep!!); Being late to school or not the first in line.

What we love about our 7 yr old: Your independence. As much as we still desire you to want our assistance in your every day tasks, you are totally confident without a helping hand; Your written stories. We find them all over the house. They have all been kept and cherished. Clearly, you love to write; The fact that even though you are starting to back off on saying, "I love you" and giving the first hug, you still demand one before we leave you for the day. ESD, you are our complete gift. 7 going on 17...and we shall love you forever and always.