Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sar-Bear Time

For mothers day this year, the girls made me little coupon packs with things in it like "One Hug For Mom", "Cooking w/ Mom", "One Nap for Mom without Interruptions"....and Sara's favorite "Sar-Bear Time w/ Mom". Apparently this was still on Sara's mind when I was asking the girls what to put on a card we were sending to our neighbor who had been in the hospital for a knee replacement.

Me: "Girls, what do you want to put on Jerry's card."
Emma: "I hope you like your new knee."
Sara: "I love you, I miss you, come home soon so I can walk over and have Sar-Bear time."

So, last night my wee one grabbed two coloring books and some markers and tossed them in a bag. Next thing I know she also has on a coat and is starting to take off out the front door. I asked where she was going, and she told me, "I going to see Jerry so we can have Sar-Bear time. I have a Dora color book for him and a princess one for me and I have markers."

I knew full well that Jerry was still in the hospital, but let her go regardless, knowing his wife Bev was home and would get a kick out of her antics.

She returned a few minutes later, not sad because she didn't get her Sar-Bear time, but with huge round eyes. "MOM......Jerry got a NEW leg!"

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm going backwards...

Emma: My mom is going to be 29 on her birthday this year.
Kathy (Childcare Provider): Her calendar says she will be 28.
Emma: That's cool...shes getting smaller as she goes.

Later that night...

Emma: Pretty soon you won't be a mom anymore.
Me: Why do you say that?
Emma: Because you keep going backwards.