Next morning, I move the bed, look under toys, etc. and there is no snake to be found. I tell Sara I am looking for a snake and she says, "There's a snake sleeping under my bed?" with the excitement and enthusiasm of the Crocodile Hunter. She thought maybe it was the caterpillar she squished and then lost in the carpet over a week ago, who I am sure has been vacuumed up a time or two since she loved him to death. Then suddenly she tells me "Maybe it's No Feet?" For those not in the know, No Feet is the snake on her favorite cartoon Little Bear. She immediately scrunches up her face and says, " can't be No Feet. No Feet talks, Mom. He would have said "ow" if you step on him." And that, my followers, is one of the many reasons why I love her so.

I will leave you with this, our nightly ritual as I tuck her in:
Sar Bear: "Mama, I love you sooooo much. I gonna love you forever."
Mama: "I love you too Sar Bear - I gonna love you forever. And do you promise to be my Sar Bear forever?"
Sar Bear: "Yes...but I am gonna get growed up. And Sar Bear is gonna love you forever."
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