Monday, June 20, 2011

FIVE!?!?! (How did that happen?!)

Likes: singing (especially making up your own songs and playing rockstar while you are in the bath....I often sit outside the bathroom door and listen to your original pieces); dancing...and dancing a bit too wild. I am surprised you have not sustained serious injuries from your throwing yourself around the room; food - the first thing you think of in the morning, and most recently the thing you can't get out of your head when you go to bed at night. Yet trying to get you to sit down and eat an entire meal...HA!; movies; dogs; cheerleaders; cowgirls - apparently you want to be one when you grow up. The first we heard of it was at your preschool graduation; your neighbors, Bev and Jerry. I used to get scared when I couldn't find you in the house. Now I just check next door and 9/10 times that's where you are. The rest of the time, you are in my car, playing with the toys Emma has made very clear you are not to touch.

Dislikes: Being the youngest. We get to hear at least a few times a day how "unfair" it is when Emma gets to do or have something because of her age or involvement in school; the thought of having to eat somewhere you are not comfortable with. We often send you with a lunchbox if you end up at a friends house for meal time; seeing someone sad/homeless/hurt; being told to sit still.

What we love about our 5 year old: The most sensitive, tender heart ever. You are the first to compliment - often times total strangers. We know you have brightened many a day with the simple comment of, "I like"; your empathetic nature. You do not like seeing someone sad. You offer hugs, kisses, advice and even gifts to try and cheer someone up; your wild nature. Sure, it's gotten you bumped and bruised, but it is so fun to watch you have fun. We love you to the moon and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth Sar-Bear!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Likes: Nutella - especially on Wednesday's, when I am reminded "Mom - it's Nutella day for my lunch;" Her BFF Gracie...and the alone time she demands with her. Fashion, and the constant reminder, that she is a "fashionista"; Pugs, including Charlie, our dog for 9 months before I realized, living in a crate was no life for a dog, yet you still refer to her as if she is coming back to live with us; Mrs. Fields....the BEST teacher ever. You look up to her so much and remind me of myself with my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Daugherty. You get really frustrated when you have a sub too; Shoes. Mind you...only two pairs. Two VERY worn out pairs; Being early and on time. Heaven forbid you wake up after 6:01 am and be the second person in line for school in the morning; Breakfast on Saturday mornings....scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee...made by you. How lucky did we get to have a 7 yr old that makes us coffee?; Writing. We find stories all over the house telling of your dog, your friends and your family. "My mom is amazing, my dad is nice, and my sister is 'cinde' of nice;" Skinny jeans.

Dislikes: Being told to put her laundry away....that is until I tell her that I will donate all skinny jeans to needy children; Mom working; :( The idea that someday I will take her and her sister to Mexico and we will all share a room together. (I will sleep when she is awake and be awake when she is asleep!!); Being late to school or not the first in line.

What we love about our 7 yr old: Your independence. As much as we still desire you to want our assistance in your every day tasks, you are totally confident without a helping hand; Your written stories. We find them all over the house. They have all been kept and cherished. Clearly, you love to write; The fact that even though you are starting to back off on saying, "I love you" and giving the first hug, you still demand one before we leave you for the day. ESD, you are our complete gift. 7 going on 17...and we shall love you forever and always.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Four, 4, Cuatro, IV!

Likes: Dressing up like a Princess from the tiara all the way down to the glass slippers; food - it seems to always be on your mind and from the moment you wake up you always have to confirm that you will indeed be fed for the day; matter what the size or shape (and the ASPCA commercial gets you sad every time); dancing all crazy-like, especially with your mama ; country music that you can sing along LOUDLY to; your "grown up friends" - specifically our neighbors Jerry and Bev and high school girls Corey Christensen & Stevie Musil. We cannot keep you from popping over to the neighbors several times a week or attaching yourself to these girls whenever you see them; Twilight - yes, the movie, which you explained to us has good pirates and bad pirates, but the good pirates "winned"; the use of the word "disgusting".

Dislikes: Being rushed (or even just doing something at a pace other than slow); having to eat anywhere other than home or daycare; blood; cleaning your room (and when we threaten to take away toys to get it clean, you start bagging them up for us!); staying clean; not being allowed in your sister's room.

What we love most about our four year old: You are such a bright spot in our days. Always surprising us with random offerings of "I love you". You can't leave the house or go to bed without getting at least 3 or 4 "huggies" and "kissies". You get so much joy out of the smallest things and your face is always showing that emotion 110%. You love to run wild and can wiggle non stop, but you can also sit for hours in front your movies. We love you to the moon and back and forth and back and forth and 158 times......most of all and better than that! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6, Seis, Six, VI!

Likes: ALONE time with mom and/or dad; Her least 51% of the time; Barbies; Hannah Montana; Taylor Swift; The Food Network; Saturday morning pancakes, bacon AND coffee; dancing; girls nights (which end in her sharing my bed with me); cooking with mom; high heels, dangly earrings, bikini's with the small tops, and any clothing item that looks like something a grown up would wear; slurpees;

Dislikes: Tennis shoes; being the center of attention; her sister (at least 49% of the time); having the tv on sports; being treated like a kid (especially being sent to time out); naps (or mom and dad trying to take naps when she is awake).

What we love most about our six year old: Your growing independence - getting ready for school each morning without any help and very few reminders of what needs to be done; your love of reading and seeing you take a book to bed each night; your smile and the sound of your giggles; the fact that even though you say you don't like school, you have made several new friends and managed to come home every day this school year with a smiley face on your daily behavior report; even at age 6 you still want to hold our hands, cuddle and give hugs and kisses; the friendship we see you forming with your sister, and knowing that deep down, you really DO like her.

Happy Birthday Emma Shae. We love you to the moon and back!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Santa's on the "Bad List"

Saturday I took the girls to an annual event in our wee town, called Santa's Workshop. For kids, it's the e
pitomy of "FUN". Over 20 tables of crafts, glitter, glue, paint, ribbon, stickers, stamps....etc. Everything I resist them doing at home due to the impending mess it results in. For parents, it's a day of waiting in lines, keeping other kids from cutting in front of our own children, patiently waiting while our glue and glitter covered monsters make a necklace/ornament/bookmark that would take us 2 minutes, but takes our child 15. They are in heaven, and we are in need of an open bar.

Santa always makes an appearance at this event....and Sara, upon me telling her we would get to see the jolly old soul, kept saying all weekend, "We get to go to the North Pole!". Upon telling her no, and seeing the building meltdown, I had to explain that Santa was coming to Prineville to visit. She would get to go see him at his workshop, where she got to help make gifts. Nice save, mom! Whew.....

So skip to the part where Sara jumps up onto Santa's lap. She's on one knee, Emma is on the other. And just guess who is doing all of the talking. Yup, Sara. Just as I think she is done telling him all the things she wants for Christmas (which included a beach with sand and a pool?) she asks him, "You a Beava fan o' a Duck fan?". Santa pauses, looks at me, looks at her and says, "Well, I belieive I am a Beaver fan". And that, is when her face fell. Her eyes got all big, she pulled back from him....and I think a part of her, stopped believing in him. Shame on you Santa! He saw his mistake, and quickly told her that he loves both Beavers and Ducks and brings presents to all of them. That seemed to appease her, along with the candy canes he was handing out. But really Santa, REALLY. I think you may be getting a lump of coal for Christmas. That, or a dried crushed rose perhaps.....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Following in my footsteps....

Oh Miss Sara....

Last Friday was a home game. Knowing her total admiration of cheerleaders, I had ordered a blue and gold uniform for her, just hoping that she would actually wear it. You know how 3 yr olds work. One day they like something, the next they don't. Well, as we were on our way home Friday all she could do was talk about how she was going to get home, put on her cheer uniform and go to the game. It was forecasted to be a cold night, as in low 30*'s cold. We bundled Sara up in tights, a turtleneck and a coat covering up the whole "cheerleader" look and set off for the game. As we walked in she hid behind me and told me she wanted to surprise them. She very syly looked over at the girls all lined up in front of the field, again hid behind me and unzipped her coat and then WHA-LAA.....jumped out into the middle of the cheerleaders as if she was a prize they had been awaiting. And that, is when I lost her for the next two hours.
Mom? Who's mom when you have an entire squad of cheerleaders doting over you? Even at half time she didn't need me. I forgot to mention, she had packed a bag with granola bars, fruit roll ups and chocolate chip cookies that she was saving for "snack". Once halftime hit, she offered them up and before I knew it....was the squads biggest fan for bringing along snacks.

The game started up once again, and I looked down to see my Sara, sitting in the middle of the girls, in formation, doing a cheer.....while Sara sat criss-cross-applesauce getting her own snack on. For those of you that know Miss Sara, she takes her snack time very seriously. Don't deny that girl food. Anyhow, all in all her first night as a "real" cheerleader was as much a joy for her as it was for me. Only three, and I already lost her to her "other" friends.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

To the moon and back...

September 10, 2009....Emma Shae Daniels steps foot into her first year of many in the public school system. And folks, she loves it. What about it does she love, you ask? Not all that sure. We only got a few details out of her. But when I threatened her with not returning if she didn't listen and behave, her eyes got all big and she begged me "NO!". Anyhow, here are the few details we did get out of her.

Nana: Did you have recess?
Emma: Yes....I mean no.

Dad: Did you read books
Emma: Yes. I dunno.

Mom: Did you make friends
Emma: One girl told me she liked my locket. She's five, when I told her I was five too she gave me a high five. She was wearing purple.
Mom: What was her name?
Emma: I dunno.

Neighbor (Bev): What's your name?
Emma: I dunno.

The day started with her crawling into bed with me at about 4:30 am. We both fell back arms draped around my once wee babe turned 40 lb girl. I drifted back into that last hour of slumber praying for this first day of school to bring a smile to her face. I got up to shower, and midway into my morning routine heard her footsteps approach the bathroom....then her smiling face appear. "It's gonna be a good day", I said. She dressed in the outfit that had been picked out for days, then looked at me, clad in stretch cotton capri's and an Oregon hoodie and says, "You going to wear that to walk me to school?" "Yes...", I said. "How about we look at your work clothes, " she says as she opens my closet. She presents me with one of my newer work shirts and instructs me to put it on. Mind you, SHE IS FIVE. And she already cares about my appearance. I am just thankful she did not order me to also wear my peep toe heels as I escorted her the three blocks to her new school.

We spend the walk holding hands, and getting a shout out from her dance teacher that lives nearby as she yells over the sound of school buses and such..."EMMA DANIELS....HAVE A GREAT FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL SISTER!". With each step, the realization is hitting me. My baby made it to another milestone. A milestone her big sister never reached. All parents are proud of their kids...I know that. But with each moment of pride, I also have a bittersweet moment. As we are walking she looks at all the cars and buses and says, "What are they doing?" I tell her they are bringing kids to her school. "No," she says, "Only me. My school." I laugh...."Do you want friends sister?!"

We get to the building and I am strategizing photo opportunities to distract me from the importance of this moment. I figure we will get a shot of her leaning up against the school sign, in front of the classroom, hanging up her backpack, etc. Suddenly her teacher, Mrs. Hunter (a familiar face - as she is the grandma of one of Emma's daycare friends) sees us, walks up and takes Emma by the hand. In a moment of weakness, and supreme trust....I let go. "C'mon Emma...lets go get in line", says Mrs. Hunter. And off she goes. I get no goodbye kiss. No hug. Emma has a somewhat confused look, but I think I am the one more stunned with the sudden goodbye. "Goodbye Em, I LOVE YOU," I yell amidst the buzz of elementary kids. And I walk away. Alone. One hand holding a camera, the other my cell phone, a heart holding pride...and eyes holding back tears. I call Rich to give him the play by play and distract myself from the events. "Did you cry?" he asks. "No," I say with a lump in my throat.

Three hours later I go to pick her up and she sees me and runs. "Mama!". At first I think she is crying, but upon getting her stunning freckled face directly in front of mine I see that it's pure joy. Not necessarily because she sees me, but because she appears to have just had an amazing time. At least I think so. I'm not so sure why. She gets a battalion of questions about her day from me, Rich, grandparents, neighbors. She claims to not know what she did today, but she loves it. And she wants to go back. And my dear girl, you will get to. And I hope I am as proud of you every September as I was this September.

I end the day with tucking her into bed and saying these words, "I love you to the moon and back Miss E." She smiles and says,"No you love me more." Yes, yes I do.