Dislikes: Tennis shoes; being the center of attention; her sister (at least 49% of the time); having the tv on sports; being treated like a kid (especially being sent to time out); naps (or mom and dad trying to take naps when she is awake).
What we love most about our six year old: Your growing independence - getting ready for school each morning without any help and very few reminders of what needs to be done; your love of reading and seeing you take a book to bed each night; your smile and the sound of your giggles; the fact that even though you say you don't like school, you have made several new friends and managed to come home every day this school year with a smiley face on your daily behavior report; even at age 6 you still want to hold our hands, cuddle and give hugs and kisses; the friendship we see you forming with your sister, and knowing that deep down, you really DO like her.
Happy Birthday Emma Shae. We love you to the moon and back!
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