Santa always makes an appearance at this event....and Sara, upon me telling her we would get to see the jolly old soul, kept saying all weekend, "We get to go to the North Pole!". Upon telling her no, and seeing the building meltdown, I had to explain that Santa was coming to Prineville to visit. She would get to go see him at his workshop, where she got to help make gifts. Nice save, mom! Whew.....
So skip to the part where Sara jumps up onto Santa's lap. She's on one knee, Emma is on the other. And just guess who is doing all of the talking. Yup, Sara. Just as I think she is done telling him all the things she wants for Christmas (which included a beach with sand and a pool?) she asks him, "You a Beava fan o' a Duck fan?". Santa pauses, looks at me, looks at her and says, "Well, I belieive I am a Beaver fan". And that, is when her face fell. Her eyes got all big, she pulled back from him....and I think a part of her, stopped believing in him. Shame on you Santa! He saw his mistake, and quickly told her that he loves both Beavers and Ducks and brings presents to all of them. That seemed to appease her, along with the candy canes he was handing out. But really Santa, REALLY. I think you may be getting a lump of coal for Christmas. That, or a dried crushed rose perhaps.....
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